“Gear” is a broadly used term. In the case of our buying guides, we use it to cover everything from the tools you use daily to the bags you carry to the gadgets that power your life and much more. Only the best in class are contained in these guides and we update them regularly.
I want to share with you a list of sci-fi books you have to read at some point in your life.
Backpacks don’t have to be only about function; why not choose a leather one that hits all the right form notes, too?
I’ve collected a list of some of the best dystopian novels, both my all-time favorites and those I believe to be hugely influential on the genre (and society) at large.
Small journals and notebooks provide blank space for creation. Have one on hand when inspiration strikes. Here are the best according to a published fantasy writer.
As a long-time reader and author, I present a list of what I consider to be the “Best Fantasy Books of All Time” so you, too, can dive deep into my favorite genre and experience the wonder and adventure for yourself.
Clip a tiny flashlight onto your keychain for maximum preparedness when the sun goes down. Here's our list of the best mini torches.
A selection of the best bands that will enhance the style, functionality, versatility, and durability of your Apple Watch.
Pop up or "fanning" wallets feature a button or built-in mechanism that slides or fans out the cards for you. Max convenience. Here are the best.
The top picks for battery-powered gloves that use an electric charge to keep your hands and fingers toasty warm in the winter cold.
Here's a quick guide detailing excellent brands to shop as well as a primer on the various types of wallets on the market.
Sometimes a sling bag is the more practical solution for your adventure or daily commute. Secure, lightweight and extremely versatile. Here are the best.
True crime is a fascinating genre to read because it’s not really fiction, but often feels like it. I’ve compiled a list of what I consider to be the 10 best true crime books.
These little flashlights pack enough lumens to be useful in any low-light environment. Throw one of the best in your pack.
When you want something a bit more convenient than a duffel to take to the gym, consider a backpack to store your clothes, shoes and other workout essentials.
Here's our list of the toughest, most functional metal wallets around, giving you plenty of options to choose from when you’re upgrading your EDC loadout.
With the right tool set, you’ll have everything you need to do all the basic DIY jobs and keep your house in tip-top shape.
Misplacing your wallet is a nightmare. Here's what we believe are the best wallets designed specifically to house AirTags.
Sometimes, you just need a good old fashioned scare in your life. A proper horror tale that will give you the chills. Try one of these. They are some of the best ever written.
Laptop sleeves and cases will add an extra layer of protection against everything life can throw at you. These picks will keep your device safe.
Here are our top choices for briefcases that are ultra-versatile, tough enough to keep up with your commute, and sized just right to be the perfect office companion.
Lightweight, ultra-portable, and tough enough to handle both your daily commute and quick jaunts around town. Here are our top choices for a solid messenger bag.
Our list of the most influential books we are certain any guy should read at least once in his life. The best of the best.
There is a backpack made for virtually every purpose and style preference. Here are the best we've come across.
A good bag for the gym is typically duffel-style with enough room to carry everything needed for a proper training session.